Where Did My Wishlist Go?

Some of our more astute visitors may have noticed that our wishlist feature went away this week. What gives? Well, we decided to revamp our shopping cart in an effort to make it easier for people to share carts. The best part is that now you don’t have to be logged in to an account anymore in order to create a shopping cart and email it off to someone else. Just add the item(s) you want to your cart and click on the “Send Cart” button under My Cart and voila! The recipient gets an email a moment later with all the product information and the option to quickly complete the order. This should especially help out the universities and large companies that have to bounce ordering information around between purchasing and other departments. Now someone in the lab can select the supplies they want and the purchasing person can easily place the order with just a few clicks!

Sterlitech Wishlist - Website Update 2011
Select Send Cart...
Sterlitech Wishlist and Send To Cart - Website Update 2011
...and recreate the cart with one click!