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Monthly Archives: October 2014

  1. Silver and Silica

    Silver and Silica

    Silicosis is one of the oldest known and widespread occupational lung diseases.  Caused by the inhalation of dust containing crystalline silica (SiO2), it kills thousands of people each year around the world.  Silica is one of the most common minerals found in the crust and is released into the air when rocks, concrete, or sand are crushed, broken, or sprayed.  Construction workers, miners and those that work with masonry, glass, and ceramics are particularly susceptible to exposure to airborne silica dust. When inhaled, silica dust can lodge itself into the alveoli of lungs, deep enough that coughing and mucus cannot to remove it.  The tiny particles cause inflammation and, eventually, the build-up of scar tissue in the lungs.  The progress of the disease is gradual; many people with silicosis experience no symptoms initially.  However, as the nodules of fibrous scar tissue grow larger, symptoms such as chronic coughing, shortness of breath,

  2. New Membrane Combines High Selectivity and Throughput via Integral Proteins

    New Membrane Combines High Selectivity and Throughput via Integral Proteins

    Global distribution has begun for Aquaporin Inside Forward Osmosis Membrane, and Sterlitech is proud to announce it is one of the first to offer the breakthrough product. Developed by Aquaporin A/S of Denmark, the new membrane is specifically designed to reduce the costs of water purification by harnessing a remarkable mechanism found in all forms of life on Earth. “Aquaporin proteins make it possible for plants to draw water through their roots and for kidneys to filter wastes in our bloodstream,” said Sterlitech President Mark Spatz. “By synthesizing these proteins and incorporating them into a membrane, Aquaporin A/S has created a membrane product with uniquely high selectivity and flow rates.” Discovered in 1992 by Peter Agre, aquaporins are protein structures integrated into the cell membranes of all living organisms and are critical for controlling water

  3. CF042 O-ring Installation Tutorial

    CF042 O-ring Installation Tutorial

    O-rings are essential to the operation of the CF042 Crossflow Cell, keeping the cell sealed tight against leaks or spills.  But, understandably, shoving the round rings into the rectangular grooves of the cell is of a cause of consternation for our customers.  So we put together a short tutorial to help you avoid a common mistake with the CF042:   To browse our complete collection of membrane testing cells, click here.