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Make every click count on Sterlitech! Start collecting SterliPoints and redeem exciting rewards from our site when you complete a purchase, create a Sterlitech account, or subscribe to our Newsletter. Sterlitech’s SterliPoints can get you exclusive access to special discounts, free merchandise, or store credit.
How SterliPoints Work?

Joining our rewards program is easy and free, you can start earning SterliPoints by creating your online account. Earn more SterliPoints by completing any of the following:

1. Membership Registration
Create an online account and receive 25 SterliPoints
2. Newsletter SignUp
Sign up for Sterlitech's Monthly Newsletter and earn 25 SterliPoints
3. Spend More to Earn More
Spend Between Sterlipoints
$10,000 and above 1000 SterliPoints
$5,000 to $9,999.99 500 SterliPoints
$2,500 to $4,999.99 250 SterliPoints
$1,000 to $2,499.99 100 SterliPoints
$500 to $999.99 75 SterliPoints
$250 to $499.99 40 SterliPoints
$50 to $249.99 20 SterliPoints
Cashing in your points

Once you rack up enough points, you can convert them to get actual discounts to use on any order the next time you check out from our website:

So What Are you Waiting For?
SterliPoints Discount on Your Next Order
20 SterliPoints $5
60 SterliPoints $15
100 SterliPoints $25
300 SterliPoints $75
500 SterliPoints $150