Sterlitech Begins the Holidays With a Special Offer

From now until January 31, 2015, Sterlitech will be giving away a free Benchmark myBath 4L Water Bath with the purchase of a BenchMixer XL Multi-tube Vortexer (SKU: BV1010 for 115 VAC or BV1010-E for 220 VAC).  The BenchMixer XL is a digital, high capacity vortexer that can accomodate almost any tube rack.  The myBath 4L is a an excellent companion piece to the vortexer and comes with three racks for 1.5/2/0, 15, and 50 mL tubes.  Visit our this page 


to get your free myBath 4L Water Bath. Don't forget to also browse Sterlitech's other special offers on this page here.  The complete list of Sterlitech's vortexers and vortex mixers can be found here.