Google Science Fair Winners

As we’ve brought up before, the Google Science Fair has turned out some amazing projects from 13-18 year-olds all over the world, and today Google announced the very deserving winners from each age group. Taking home the top prize is Shree Bose of Fort Worth, Texas whose project seeks to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer (you know, typical kids’ stuff). The techniques she uses, such as flow cytometry, microscopy and western blotting, will no doubt be familiar to many of our visitors. Other winning projects covered the effects of environmental pollutants on asthma patients and methods for reducing carcinogens in our food. That all three of these winners were girls is an added bonus that will hopefully dispel some poorly conceived stereotypes about women in science. All in all, there were some mind-bendingly impressive projects and the participants can look forward to bright futures as innovators in their chosen fields.